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Ranking Pages at An Apple Search Engine?

More Signs of Search After Applebot Back in May, I wrote the post Here Comes Applebot:...

How Google May Identify Good Query Suggestions from Overlapping Queries

When someone performs searches for a particular topic, they may use many query terms to try...

How Google Might Recommend TV Shows Based upon Web Popularity

A Google patent granted this week explores how Google might recommend TV shows using Web-popularity signals....

Could Cecil the Lion’s killer ever recover on Yelp?

After news broke that the beloved Lion Cecil was killed by Minnesota Dentist Walter Palmer, internet...

How Google may Create a Reputation Score for People Based Upon User interactions

A Reputation Score as a Ranking Signal? One of the things I was hoping to see...

How Google May find Results that Answer Entity Triggering Questions

We learned Google's name for Answer Box results was Featured Snippets. These Direct Answer results answer...

How Customized Content Might be Shown in Google Knowledge Panels

A Google patent application published last month describes how the search results returned in response to...

New FTC Guidelines on Endorsements in Social Media

When you see a recommendation made on Twitter or Pinterest for a product or a service,...

How Google May Identify and Rank Entity Attributes

[caption id="attachment_3307" align="alignnone" width="608"] Upside down, inside out by Anish Kapoor at Phoenix Art Museum, Kevin...

Google Gets Real Time Search Results Patent

Google has partnered with Twitter to bring back real-time search results, to Google, with tweets from...