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What Game of Thrones Taught Us About Marketing

A couple of months ago, the final episode of a little show called Game of Thrones...

The Art of the “No” 101: Dealing With Rejection From Editors, Publishers, and More

How persistence is necessary for getting your content out there If you’re like the rest of...

5 Lessons from Working in News That Make Me a Better Marketer

If you’re looking to change your career path and transition from one industry to another, it...

How to Find Winning Content Marketing Ideas on Reddit

People have been getting together online to discuss common interests since the internet rolled out to...

Don’t Be Afraid To Bring Your Personal Passions To Work

When it comes to creating content, especially content for your company or client, it can be...

How to Promote Your Blog in 2019: 7 Strategies You Can’t Miss

Go Fish Digital is excited to share a post from guest author Sergey Aliokhin, a Marketing Manager...

How The Office Taught Us Everything We Need to Know About Digital PR

Believe it or not, there are a lot of similarities between television production and content marketing....

3 (Free) Ways to Amplify Your Content Using Social Media

The power of social media is truly remarkable. In recent months, we’ve seen a young boy...

How Awesome Interactive Content Pieces Increase Page Time

Here at Go Fish Digital, we spend a lot of time tweaking websites and increasing traffic...

How to Use Data to Create Newsworthy Content

Data is a very broad term. As a result, there are many different directions you can...