How To Get Past Google Search Console’s Row Limits

Posted in: SEO

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Hi, I’m Chris Long with Go Fish Digital, and welcome to another episode of 60-Second SEO.

Today we’re going to talk about how you can get around Search Console’s keyword limitations by using Looker Studio.

If you use Search Console with any regularity, you probably know that there are limits to how many keywords you can mine from Search Console. You scroll down here, you’ll only really be able to see 1,000 keywords at a time. That’s going to be pretty limiting, especially if you’re a business that has a lot of different keywords and you have a large amount of content. You probably want to go deeper and get more query data.

Fortunately, you can work around this by using Looker Studio and connecting Search Console here. I went into Looker Studio and I actually connected the Go Fish Digital Search Console and then just created a table where I can see things like clicks and impressions.

What I’m going to do here is it’s going by default we’re going to have a “Dimension” having Google Property. I’m going to change that from “Google Property” to “Query”. And now you’re going to be able to see right here that we actually have 17,000 keywords that we can start to analyze.

So now we have a lot more keyword data at our disposal to really take a look at longer tail keywords, keywords that could be really profitable for us that we just don’t have a bunch of visibility for yet. But now through connecting to Looker Studio, we get access to a lot more keyword data.

And this is especially true if you have a very large site where you get a lot of query impressions or query clicks. This is going to really help open up that data by connecting Search Console through Looker Studio and get you around that 1,000 row limit in Search Console.

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