Blake Compton

Recent Posts by Blake Compton

A Designer’s 5 Favorite Design Inspiration Websites

What Are The Best Design Inspiration Websites?  These are the five best design inspiration sites on...

A Designer’s Top 7 Favorite Google Fonts

These are my 7 favorite and most-used typefaces from Google Fonts (Google Fonts is a library...

5 Quirky and Useful Lorem Ipsum Generators

Lorem ipsum dolor sit… are you getting tired of using the same strange language for placeholder...

A Designer’s 5 Basic Tips to Improving your PowerPoint Slides

I have been asked a lot lately to help improve slide deck designs for my coworkers...

A Designer’s Top 5 Color Tools

As a designer, trying to find the perfect colors for a graphic can be daunting at...

7 Free Design Tools to Create Impressive Graphics

This is my very first ‘Oprah’ moment. Being a frugal graphic designer by nature, I am...