Dealership SEO Agency

Improve Your Dealership Visibility With Automotive SEO Services

What Is Automotive SEO?

Automotive SEO is the marketing practice of improving your business’s visibility in search engines like Google. Whether you’re operating a dealership, a repair shop, or an online store for auto parts, automotive SEO aims to drive targeted traffic to your website by optimizing various on-page and off-page elements. This includes enhancing your site’s content with relevant keywords, improve your content, optimizing your site’s technical elements and more.

Local SEO For Automotive Companies

Local SEO is especially crucial for automotive businesses where proximity plays a key element how search engines show results. Our automotive SEO services help better connect your automotive business with the users in your geographical area.

We optimize your Google Business profiles, updating all the essential information such as categories, descriptions, images, business information and more. A well-optimized Google Business profile is not just about visibility; it’s about building trust and credibility with your local customers.

We take this custom tailored approach to each location your automotive business has. Through optimizing Google Business profiles, this can help improve your dealerships visibility in crucial sections of the search results such as local map results. As a result, this can connect your business with local users at the exact moment they’re looking for your services.


An Intro to Your First Link Building Campaign

Automotive Inventory Page Optimizations

Much like an eCommerce site, your inventory pages—be it for categories or individual products—are pivotal in converting site visitors into customers. These pages are critical when it comes to qualified traffic and site conversions for your dealership. The Go Fish Digital team focuses on various elements to optimize your inventory pages so they perform well in the search results and also facilitate user engagement and conversions.

Through our keyword research techniques, we create descriptive, keyword-targeted title tags and headings that precisely convey what the page is about. We also provide guidance for category and product page on-page content. The Go Fish Digital team provides insights on how you can improve the quality of these pages by focusing on unique features, specifications, and benefits.

We also look at the user experience of these pages as a whole. We provide insights to improve page layouts, calls-to-action, and navigation elements to create a smooth, intuitive user journey, making it easier for visitors to find what they’re looking for and take the next step towards conversion.

Technical SEO Agency

Technical SEO Improvements For Auto Dealers

Just as a well-tuned engine is crucial for optimal vehicle performance, a finely optimized technical infrastructure is essential for automotive sites with eCommerce functionality. The Go Fish Digital team of experts specializes in refining the “under-the-hood” facets of your online platform. We’ll review a variety of technical SEO elements of your automotive site include:

  • Faceted navigations
  • Core Web Vitals
  • Indexation and crawl signals
  • JavaScript rendering issues
  • Site architecture
  • Search Console reviews


Automotive User Experience Improvements

In the automotive industry, where the journey towards purchasing a vehicle is often marked by detailed research and careful consideration, the user experience (UX) of your website can make all the difference. The Go Fish Digital team takes a holistic approach to optimizing the user journey on your website, guiding your visitors smoothly from first session to the final conversion.

We look at more than isolated pages or individual elements; we consider your website as an interconnected ecosystem. This involves assessing various touchpoints such as your homepage layouts, navigation menus, and inventory listing pages, among others. Our goal is to create a seamless UX and eliminate any roadblocks that might deter your customers. Through improvements towards overall UX, this can help improve both SEO and conversions from all digital channels.

Automotive SEO FAQs

Automotive SEO refers to the practice of optimizing an automotive business’s online presence, such as dealerships or repair shops, to rank higher in search engine results and attract more potential customers actively searching for automotive services or vehicles.

Common strategies in automotive SEO include optimizing website content with relevant keywords related to the automotive industry, ensuring a strong website UX, and leveraging local SEO to target customers in the business’s geographical area. Additionally, creating high-quality, informative content about various automotive topics can help automotive sites develop topical authority.


The benefits of automotive SEO are significant, including increased visibility and traffic to the business’s website, improved customer engagement, and enhanced brand reputation. It helps in attracting a targeted audience actively searching for automotive-related products or services, ultimately leading to increased leads, sales, and revenue for the business.


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