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Making Moves: Navigating Transitions Within Your Job Organization

Imagine this - you’ve been at your company for about a year, you’re getting comfortable in...

Graphic Design & the 20-Year Trend Cycle

The year is 2022, and Y2K fashion is back with a vengeance after a 20-year leave...

8 Tips for Working at a Digital Marketing Agency

“Fast-paced” is a phrase often used to describe marketing agencies, and for good reason. Working at...

Universal Design and Marketability: How to Improve the Inclusivity of Your Website

Everyone knows the experience of using a horribly designed website. It may be hard to read,...

3 Tips for Becoming a Manager

So, you want to be a manager. Maybe you’re ready to expand your career. Maybe you...

How My Humanities Degree Prepared Me for a Career in Digital Marketing

In March of my sophomore year of college, I had a decision to make—and it was...

Expanding Our Knowledge Outside of the Office: Go Fish Digital Book Recommendations

Inspiration can come from the strangest of places. I’ve had creative breakthroughs while at the gym,...

No One’s Greatest Weakness Is “Caring Too Much”

Our hiring process at Go Fish Digital is something we’ve always been careful about. We’re not...

Don’t Be Afraid To Bring Your Personal Passions To Work

When it comes to creating content, especially content for your company or client, it can be...

I’m Considered “Non-Technical” – Should I Learn How to Code?

Yes! I get a lot of questions from coworkers, friends, and family about how and why...